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5 Reasons Why Cultivating Reading is Important

In today’s world, students often question the need for cultivating  reading habits or perhaps the existence of library with almost everything available on google. Cultivating reading habits very young is not only fundamental for academics but helps in creating an overall personality.Here are some reasons why one just cannot afford to miss this treasure of a habit.

Develops Vocabulary


The more your child reads, the more new words will find their way into his vocabulary. Reading allows for exposure to words and phrases that you might not use as part of normal speech.

Increases attention span


Encouraging good reading habits from an early age develops your child’s attention span and allows them to focus better and for longer periods of time. Reading combats the epidemic of poor attention span in today’s children.

Helps in academics

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Children who spend a lot of time reading prior to attending school will have an easier time adapting to the reading-focused learning environment in their future classrooms

Love for books

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Children who start reading regularly from an early age are more likely to enjoy reading later in life. This will serve them well throughout their education and beyond.

Thirst for knowledge

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Children with good reading habits learn more about the world around them, and develop an interest in other cultures. Reading leads to asking questions, and seeking answers, which means children learn more every day.

Reading ,undoubtedly makes you a better person and a sensitive human being. Start young and find yourself in those books.It will definitely take you to places!

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